James T. Kilbourne
K&J Standardized Motor Truck Bodies
Manufacturers of bodies and semi-trailers for heavy service motor trucks.
Ad shows a heavy-duty dump body on a chassis.
K&J also made air-assisted side-dumping railroad cars.
(ad in July 15, 1920 CCJ pp297)
James T. Kilbourne - The name of the company was the Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co They had a lumber yard and a narrow gauge
railroad in which they shipped lumber to all parts of the world. One of
their branches was in Chicago.
James T. Kilbourne - Graduated from Kenyon College in 1862, and two years
later received the degree of Master of Arts. Graduated from Harvard
University with a degree in Law. Founder of Kilbourne and Jacobs
Manufacturing Company. Director and, in 1895, President of the
Columbus Board of Trade. Vice-President, Franklinton Centennial
Commission, 1897. President, Board of Trustees, Columbus Public
Library. President, Columbus Children’s Hospital; Columbus
Neighborhood Guild Association. Member, Ohio Centennial Commission