Acme Veneer & Body Co. - Acme Body Co. - 1860-1920s - Rahway, New Jersey |
From the May, 1911 issue Pearson's Magazine $250,000-Par Value $100 Per Share The Consolidated Motor Car Company of Cleveland, Ohio Capital $4,000,000. Incorporated under laws of Ohio 7% CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. PRE- Bonus of One Share Common Stock for each Share
Preferred Purchased There are individual, fundamental, mechanical reasons why our complete line of commercial trucks, taxicabs and pleasure cars will assure large profits to the investor; these we will gladly furnish on request. Here is the unprecedented opportunity not only to procure stock in a company whose cars have an already established market, but to secure as a premium for prompt investment a share of common stock with every share of preferred purchased. The reader with $100 or more available for immediate investment will find it to his profitable advantage to give close attention to even fact brought forth in this announcement and then act. Consolidation makes for economy. By acquiring the properties of the Royal Tourist Car Company, the Croxton Motor Company and the Acme Veneer and Body Company, we purchase raw materials cheaper, we operate under one overhead expense and sell through one selling organization a complete line of automobiles — high priced pleasure cars, moderate priced pleasure cars, taxicabs, and commercial trucks of a variety of tonnage. All of our cars are proved successes. We build The Most Profitable Taxicabs in America Our established taxicab business is extremely profitable. A series of orders is received from each customer without selling expense. Croxton cabs are the most profitable and successful. Used by twenty-two of the leading taxicab liveries in America. Among them are: Walden W. Shaw Livery Co., Chicago. Croxton Cars Give Certain Service Croxton Taxicabs have replaced every make of Taxicab in the country. Every one of the companies mentioned will tell you they are the best cabs made. The reasons for their superiority are so marked that no technical training is needed to appreciate them. The sharply sloping closed hood of the Croxton, similar to the French Renault type, keeps all dirt, grit and grease from getting on the engine. The radiator is placed behind the engine instead of in front, where it is easily put out of commission by collision. Instead of gear and shaft for pumping the water for cooling the engine, there is an automatic system radiation (like that of a residence). The magneto is locked at the factory into the correct position for driving, so that the spark never needs adjustment. Ordinarily the driver has trouble with a high and low spark, which is apt to rack the engine considerably. The transmission is so constructed that it can be lifted out and another substituted in a few minutes. All these features make for an unfailing service—keep the Croxton Taxicabs doing faithful duty without delays and repairs — keep them making money for their owners day in and day out. Over a Million Dollars' Worth of Croxton Cars Now in Use The chassis of the Croxton is so constructed that it may be used with a variety of bodies, providing a two-passenger roadster, four, five and seven passenger Touring Cars, Taxicabs, Landaulets and Broughams, One-Ton Delivery Wagons and Trucks. The fact that this chassis has stood so successfully the exacting, almost excruciating tests of taxicab service, gives the certainty of service and durability unrivalled in a moderate priced car. Every Croxton owner is a satisfied owner. Every Croxton car has a pedigree, a record of definite, proven service that makes for rapid, constantly growing sales. To fulfill the demand that has long existed for a low priced, light commercial truck, we are selling at $1200 a one-ton truck which uses the standard Croxton chassis. Our $1500 3-Ton Commercial Truck meets another great demand of the commercial field—a field which has barely been scratched. It is estima'ted that less than 5% of those who could use auto trucks with profit, have them. It is conservatively estimated that this department will more than pay the 7% dividend on our preferred stock. Over $4,000,000 Worth of Royal Tourists Already Sold The Royal Tourist has always been the equal of, if indeed not the superior to, any of the higher priced cars produced in America, possessing quality and perfection of workmanship equal to foreign cars of much higher cost. The Royal Tourist has no superior in beauty of design, strength, up-to-dateness of construction, exceptional smoothness and quietness in action, great reserve power, and above all reliability. Unlike other high class cars, it provides a range of prices depending upon the engine, which is furnished in 45, 35 or 30 H. P. The smaller engine is absolutely as perfect and dependable as the larger —the only difference being the size of the cylinder and piston. It rounds out our line of pleasure and commercial automobiles with a car of superb perfection and recognized leadership, at $4500. 1500 ROYAL TOURISTS AND MORE THAN 1200 CROXTONS ARE ALREADY IN USE. Acme Bodies The Acme Veneer and Body Company have a long established reputation of producing the highest quality of bodies. They supplied their product to many of the best carriage companies in the country before the day of the automobile. Their factory output is 2500 bodies a year, comprising all types. The Factories of the Consolidated Motor Car Co. The factory of the Royal Tourist Car Company at Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the largest and best equipped in the United States. The ground consists of seven acres and the location is an exceptionally fine one, being situated on a wide boulevard which is the entrance to Gordon Park, located between the railroad and the lake. The buildings are of brick, concrete and steel, and were designed and built for the Royal Tourist Car Company. The property has switches from the best two trunk lines in America— the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and the Pennsylvania Railroad. The machinery, machine tools and small tools are modern, having been purchased within the last few years, and are especially adapted for automobile construction. The Croxton plant is also located at Cleveland. It is three stories in height and has 75,000 feet floor space. On account of the constantly increasing demand for taxicabs, it is proposed to use this plant exclusively for their construction, the pleasure vehicles and trucks to be built at the Royal Tourist plant. The Acme Veneer and Body Company has a large plant at Rahway, N. J. The business was established in 1860. Its affiliation with the Royal Tourist and the Croxton companies will tax its capacity to the utmost. Output and Estimated Profits Through our present efficient selling organization of branch houses and established selling agencies, the following output can be easily marketed: 300 Royal Tourist Cars; 600 Croxton Taxicabs, Commercial Trucks and Touring Cars; 1000 five-ton Consolidated Trucks; 2500 bodies. xxxx Acme Bodies The Acme Veneer and Body Company have a long established reputation of producing the highest quality of bodies. They supplied their product to many of the best carriage companies in the country before the day of the automobile. Their factory output is 2500 bodies a year, comprising all types. The Acme Veneer and Body Company has a large plant at Rahway, N. J. The business was established in 1860. Its affiliation with the Royal Tourist and the Croxton companies will tax its capacity to the utmost. xxxx Acme Body & Veneer Company – Rahway, New Jersey Acme Body Top Co., Ford Model T&TT , Model A & AA Driver Salesman Truck bodies. (Not to be confused with the Acme Body Co. located at 1833-35 North Locust St. in Sterling, Illinois that built a handful of professional cars in the early 1950s)
For more information please read: Pearson's Magazine - May, 1911 issue Beverly Rae Kimes - The Classic Car Beverly Rae Kimes - The Classic Era Beverly Rae Kimes - Packard: A History of the Motorcar and Company Beverly Rae Kimes & Henry Austin Clark Jr. - Standard Catalog of American Cars 1805-1942 Richard Burns Carson - The Olympian Cars Brooks T. Brierley - There Is No Mistaking a Pierce Arrow Brooks T. Brierley - Magic Motors 1930 Nick Georgano - The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile: Coachbuilding John Gunnell - Standard Catalog of American Cars, 1946-1975 James M. Flammang & Ron Kowalke - Standard Catalog of American Cars, 1976-1999 Marian Suman-Hreblay - Dictionary of World Coachbuilders and Car Stylists Michael Lamm and Dave Holls - A Century of Automotive Style: 100 Years of American Car Design Thomas E. Bonsall - The Lincoln Motorcar: Sixty Years of Excellence Fred Roe - Duesenberg: The Pursuit of Perfection Arthur W. Soutter - The American Rolls-Royce John Webb De Campi - Rolls-Royce in America Hugo Pfau - The Custom Body Era Hugo Pfau - The Coachbult Packard Griffith Borgeson - Cord: His Empire His Motor Cars Don Butler - Auburn Cord Duesenberg George H. Dammann - 90 Years of Ford George H. Dammann & James K. Wagner - The Cars of Lincoln-Mercury Thomas A. MacPherson - The Dodge Story F. Donald Butler - Plymouth-Desoto Story Fred Crismon - International Trucks George H. Dammann - Seventy Years of Chrysler Walter M.P. McCall - 80 Years of Cadillac LaSalle Maurice D. Hendry - Cadillac, Standard of the World: The complete seventy-year history George H. Dammann & James A. Wren - Packard Dennis Casteele - The Cars of Oldsmobile Terry B. Dunham & Lawrence R. Gustin - Buick: A Complete History George H. Dammann - Seventy Years of Buick George H. Dammann - 75 Years of Chevrolet John Gunnell - Seventy-Five Years of Pontiac-Oakland
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